The recipe for making an impact starts here.
Support Tablespoons Bakery
Show your love for employment opportunities, inclusion, cookies, and community by supporting Tablespoons. No matter how you decide to give, your support goes a long way toward helping our students gain confidence, learn their self-worth, and grow toward independence. It also makes a big impact toward changing community perceptions of what is possible—and who is capable.
When you give financially, you support our non-profit Next Move’s mission to create guided internship experiences for young adults with disabilities—including the Tablespoons baking program. Every dollar donated goes toward making employment dreams possible for these incredible students. When you give a little, you give our students the chance to grow a lot.
Interested in volunteering? We’re always looking for a helping hand! From mock interviews and meet & greets, to fundraisers and work days, our volunteer program provides a lot of diverse and rewarding opportunities to work with our students and help prepare them for life and work in the community.
For skilled volunteer opportunities (chefs, bakers, ect) please email Brianne directly - Brianne@thenextmoveprogram.org
For all other volunteer opportunies, please visit our page on CF Engage. You will need to create an account to sign up for upcoming opportunies. Our team will reach out to you after you express interest or sign up for an event.
Sport some Tablespoons swag, made locally in Richmond, and support our program at the same time! Buy one of our Tablespoons t-shirts and share our message that everyone is ABLE. Both classic tees and baseball tees are available (each in two colors) so you can rock your favorite style. And keep checking back—we’ll be adding even more awesome merch to our store in the future.

Don’t skip dessert.
Who said making a difference couldn’t also be delicious? Support Tablespoons by placing an order for some of our yummy baked goods.