We bake a difference.
At Tablespoons Bakery, everyone is welcome to the table.
Dine with us today: Tues & Fri 8-1 and Sat 8-12
Pick up your custom, online, or Cookie Club box Tues-Fri 8-3 and Sat 8-12 (just ring the doorbell for assistance if you come during hours that our retail space is closed, the team will pop out to assist you.)
At Tablespoons Bakery, we celebrate larger-than-life cookies and endless piles of rainbow sprinkles. We celebrate warm cups of coffee and friendly smiles. We celebrate community, inclusivity, and diversity. But most importantly, we celebrate the potential of young adults with developmental disabilities to achieve and succeed. Our bakery gives them the chance to do just that.
Cookies and brownies and scones, oh my!
Dining , Corporate Gifting, Pop-Ups & More!
Our students are known across Richmond for their sweet, sweet baking skills. But don’t take our word for it—taste the food for yourself. Place an order for some Unicorn cookies, stock up on Oatmeal Cream Pies, and enjoy Ironclad coffee at our storefront. Place an order online to have an assorted dozen shipped to you and follow us on social media to find where our totally rad cookie pop-ups will be next.
Pride. Excitement. And a heaping spoonful of hope.
An internship with the Tablespoons baking program means opportunity—and lots of it. Under the guidance of a professional baker, our students learn baking, business, and independent living skills, plus build their confidence through customer interaction. Every day in the bakery they are empowered to achieve their goals—and every day they’re going after them.
Great food with an even greater purpose.
Whether it’s ordering from our bakery, funding a student scholarship, volunteering, or buying a Tablespoons t-shirt, your support makes a big difference in the development of our baking program and in the lives of our students.

“You cannot buy acceptance, friendship, love or community, but a cookie can open the door and the crumbs can lead the way.”
— Cheyenne, Tablespoons baker